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Word Youth Day in Krakow 2016 is an exceptional event, both for Pilgrims coming to Poland and for Krakow residents, who are to welcome them. According to estimates, there may be more than 2 mln people participating in WYD.
It’s a huge challenge to keep everyone safe and undisturbed in celebration activities. Like in any gathering of people, there is always a chance of an accident to happen. To mitigate this risk of such an event the organizers, the public authorities and other institutions have prepared measures to provide the visitors with services needed.
How to find help during WYD?
What to do, if you have lost your documents?
How to find your consulate in Krakow?
Get out of any legal troubles you may find
Find your ancestors in Poland!
The good news is, both you and the organizers are insured.
- You are insured
The insurance policy was bought out from PZU by the Archdiocese of Krakow for each officially registered pilgrim and volunteer. Insurance is an integral part of the pilgrim package and provides assistance in the event of sudden illness or accident. The policy also provides assistance, e.g. transport to the place of residence or 500 PLN for support in the event of theft of documents or money. - The organizers are insured
It is also worth noting, that the Archdiocese of Krakow, as the organizer of World Youth Day, is insured against liability. The policy also covers liability for injuries to participants of World Youth Day.
But first, try to avoid getting into trouble. Make your homework and prepare a little bit:
The Police has prepared some basic instructions for foreigners travelling to Poland for WYD available in several languages under:
If you travel to Poland by car, watch this video:
So, what to do in case of a problem ?
What to do, if you have lost your documents ?
If you lose your ID or other documents, you should rapport it promptly to the nearest Police station (call: 997 or 112) That will protect you from the unlawful use of your identity by an unauthorised person. It is also important that you receive from the Police the confirmation of a loss of documents. You may not be able to travel just with this confirmation, so you should apply for an emergency travel document at an embassy or a consular office of your country.
How to find your consulate in Krakow?
In Krakow you can find a number of consular offices: www.krakow-info.com/consul.htm
If there is none in Krakow, contact consular helpline
by e mail: informacja.konsularna@msz.gov.pl or phone +48 22 523 94 51 and they will direct you to the relevant office in Warsaw or other nearest city.
There are contact info to some Consular Offices and Honorary Consuls:
American Consulate General of the United States of America
American Consulate General of the United States of America
ul. Stolarska 9, 31-043 Krakow
Phone: (+48) 12 424 51 00 or e-mail: KrakowNIV@state.gov
French Consulate General of the Republic of France
French Consulate General of the Republic of France
ul. Stolarska 15, 31-043 Krakow
Phone: (+48) 12 424 53 00. e mail:fransulat@mps.krakow.pl OR contact@cracovie.org.pl
German Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany
German Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany
ul. Stolarska 7, 31-043 Krakow
Phone: (+48) 12 424 30 00 e mail: info@krakau.diplo.de www.krakau.diplo.de
Brazilian Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Brazil
Brazilian Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Brazil
ul. Wroclawska 53, 30-0111 Krakow
Phone: (+48) 12 633 40 88. Email brazylia.konsulat@gremi.pl
British Honorary Consulate of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
British Honorary Consulate of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
ul. sw. Anny 9, 31-008 Krakow Phone: (+48) 12 421 70 30
E mail: kazimierz.karasinski-honcon@fconet.fco.gov.uk or e-mail: wkconsul@bci.krakow.pl
Chilean Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Chile
Chilean Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Chile
ul. Florianska 3, 31-019 Krakow Phone/fax: (+48) 12 422 89 07. Email: biuro@iphkrakow.pl
Italian Consulate Honorary of the Republic of Italy
Italian Consulate Honorary of the Republic of Italy
ul. Wenecja 3/8, 31-117 Krakow
Phone: (+48) 12 429 29 21 e mail: consolatoitaliano.cracovia@wp.pl
Mexican Honorary Consulate of the United Mexican States
Mexican Honorary Consulate of the United Mexican States
ul. Wiedenska 72, 30-147 Krakow
Phone (+48) 12 636 52 59 or 505 034 949 e mail: janusz.postolko@kki.pl
In case you will need the assistance of an attorney, the Krakow Bar Chamber has made a list of lawyers who can communicate in foreign languages http://adwokatura.krakow.pl/komunikat/pomoc-prawna-sdm
WHAT LexPolonia has to offer you ?
We are prepared and motivated to provide legal services to all foreigners. We speak languages. We are here for WYD 2016 in case you may need legal advice or representation.
Our offer is two folds:
First, we will help you get out of any legal troubles you may find yourself in during these busy days in Krakow. We understand that being in a foreign country, not speaking the language and participating in activities with hundreds of thousands others, in different locations may create many complications. Our job as lawyers is to help you understand the situation and find the best solution in the given circumstances.
It is clear that this week is all about WYD and you do not want to lose your time dealing with unexpected complications. Remember, there is only so much a lawyer can do, so try to stay safe, we really hope you will not need our help.
Find your ancestors in Poland
Second, do you have polish ancestors? We will be happy to meet and extend our services to all tourists with polish roots. If you wish you can use this opportunity of being in the country of your ancestors to find out more about the history of your family- we are here for you. Being in Poland is the best time to reconnect with your past. It may have plenty advantages like getting polish and European citizenship, getting an inheritance or a taken property back.
learn more about European Passport
LexPolonia provides genealogical services- even if you do not have much of information about your grandparents-do not give up. A piece of information, the name of the village, studies at a particular university or any other starting point may be enough to find out more. Maybe you still have relatives you don’t even know about. Some one needs to make the first step to reunite the family.
LexPolonia provides legal services to all those who want to take care of the inheritance issues. In the probate proceedings you can establish inheritance after many generations. In fact that is needed. Often families are stuck and do not bring the successions claims to the court, because in order to do this in Poland, you need to present the court with the list of all the heirs, also of those who emigrated out of Poland many years ago.
Learn more about Genealogy and search for inheritors
LexPolonia provide also legal services for those who want to claim their property back. Many times, especially in the more recent history, people were fleeing Poland after the II World War due to political reasons. After their emigration the State, governed back then by communist laws, would nationalized their property. Now, we have the rule of law again. But the longer you wait, the more difficult its gets. Even under the present law, if the rightful owner is absent for years, the state or other person can become the legal owner of the abandoned property. We believe that your visit to Poland is enough to convince you, that your family property left here is worth to be reclaimed.
Learn more about getting your property back
Finally, LexPolonia offers legal support in your application for the Polish citizenship. The law of the Republic of Poland grants the right to be recognized as a citizen for all those who can show that their ancestors were Polish and have not lost their citizenship. The procedure requires to provide the evidence of the Polish citizenship of the ancestor and the detailed history of the family. That is worth trying, because the Polish citizenship equals the European Union citizenship.
Learn more about Polish Citizenship
The last information is for those, who are not of Polish background. LexPolonia works closely with lawyers in other European states. We will be happy to help you in dealing with legal challenges in Europe. If we cannot provide the right services, we will refer you to lawyers that can.