In the era of socialisms the properties of many families were reclaimed. The best known instance of property restitution in Poland at the time of the Polish People’s Republic dates back to 1968, when the Jewish families started leaving the country after a wave of anti-Semitic oppressions. Also the properties of the Polish nobility were confiscated. New generations of disadvantaged families often don’t know how to initiate a process of regaining
their possessions. Sometimes they resign from a claim due to the prolonging procedures or simply don’t know where to seek for professional assistance. The possessions which seem to be lost forever can be however retrieved.
The examples of the regained properties are:
• “pałac pod Baranami” in Cracow – retrieved by the Potocki family
• “pałac biskupów Krakowskich” in Warsaw – retrieved by Mrs Beller,
a daughter of the previous owner
• ”pałac in Pelikinie -Wygraki” – retrieved by the Czartoryski family
• a part of the Saxon Garden (“Ogród Saski”) in Warsaw – retrieved by the Zamoyski family.
Polish nobility who regained their estates are frequently spotted by media. In 2013 above mentioned Potocki family managed to retrieved their possessions located nearby Krakow, in the town Krzeszowice. After nearly 15 years
of struggling 30 hectares of possessions finally came back to their owners. There are still many Polish families deprived of their properties. Sometimes they don’t know the possibilities or are afraid of a failure. If your family
as well experienced a property restitution don’t be afraid to act. The professional assistance is at your fingertips!